Below is a list of some of our most common questions. If you have a query that is not listed below call our Tennis Pro Shop on 07 3353 2018 and we’ll fill you in.
General Enquiries
Each of our school locations is unique – If you would like specific details about the location of courts, names of coaches, etc, please call the team at the tennis center Pro Shop.
Lesson Structure
Our school coaching programs follow the Tennis Australia Hot Shots Program.
Hot Shots Tennis is Tennis Australia’s official starter program. It is designed to let children develop technically and tactically in an environment that is always fun and exciting. Aimed at children aged 4-12 years old, it uses modified courts, racquets, and balls to keep things fun and easy. The Junior Tennis Coaching Program is based on a “learning through play” philosophy where children serve, rally and score.
Pupil Free Days
What happens if your lesson falls on a pupil-free day?
On pupil-free days, we do not offer any school lessons. If your child’s lesson falls on a pupil-free day, your fortnightly payment will be amended to reflect this.
Wet Weather
What happens if it rains?
Our coaches will always attend the lesson regardless of the weather. In the event the courts are too wet, an alternative session will be provided undercover. As a duty of care, our coaches will remain with the students for the duration of the tennis lesson.
When is the make-up for the wet weather lesson?
Unfortunately, we do not offer makeup lessons at any of our schools. If your child misses a lesson due to wet weather we do invite you to attend a scheduled make-up day at your nearest Tennis Centre. These are scheduled on the Sunday of Week 5 of each term. A registration email will be sent 1 week prior.
Alternatively, you can book your child into another lesson any day during Week 10. To book into these simply call the Pro Shop.
Please note: Due to our strict class size requirements, we do not offer make-up classes for casual absence or sickness. However, if you are absent from class for an extended period of time i.e. more than 2 weeks, please contact us to make alternate arrangements.
Where to next?
We offer a full player pathway at each of our centers providing players the opportunity to progress from Blue ball all the way to Performance squads. We also have Hot Shots Leagues running at each center to complement our Hot Shots Coaching lessons and provide players with the perfect opportunity to put the skills they have learned into practice with supervised, structured match play. For more information, you can speak to your coach or call your nearest center.